Monday, November 3, 2008

O'Neill/Fingerhut '92

Check out this 1992 photo featuring Bill O'Neill and former Congressman Eric Fingerhut, in what was the first election for the 14th Congressional district.

Friday, October 31, 2008

All-Star Rally for Change!

Bill O'Neill is joined by Hillary Clinton and Ted Strickland today at Lakeland Community College.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bill on Daily Kos!

A diarist at Daily Kos highlighted Bill's race today, you can check out the diary HERE. They specifically mentioned the great article from Cleveland Scene magazine profiling Bill which came out yesterday.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Closing Argument

Take a listen to our newest radio ad by clicking HERE, and chip in a contribution to help us keep it on the air.

The Change We Need

Bill O'Neill speaks in Willoughby last Friday about the need for universal healthcare.

Bill has been dubbed a healthcare hero by the California Nurses Association and the National Nurses Organizing Committee for his championing of universal healthcare. To check out more pictures from the event, click HERE.

Shawn O'Neill

Shawn O'Neill carries on the family tradition, serving with honor in Iraq.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Katie’s Brigade to Target Stow, Twinsburg

Katie O’Neill (pictured center above), community activist from Portland, Oregon and daughter of Bill O’Neill, will be making the trip across the country for the final stretch of the campaign to join the O’Neill for Congress team.

Katie will be leading “Katie’s Brigade” in Stow and Twinsburg, launching a two-week house-to-house effort to reach 5,000 households in the area. She will join forces with a group of her former classmates from the 1992 campaign, including her twin brother Shawn, a United States Air Force and Iraq veteran, along with Brandon O’Neill of Kent State University, Nick and Matt Brown of Geneva Neighbors and Kent State University, and Kevin Hogan, starting tackle for the Kent State Flashes. Members of the UAW Twinsburg local, IBEW local, SEIU local, AFSCME/OCSEA, Summit County Labor Council, OEA and OFT teachers will also be taking part in the campaigning efforts in Stow and Twinsburg.

Stow, with a population of 32,000, represents 5% of the district. Twinsburg is also an important target, with a population of 18,000.

The goal of Katie’s Brigade is to send 50 volunteers to visit the homes of 5,000 registered Independents and Democrats between October 20 and November 4.
Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Friday, October 10, 2008

What Would YOU do for a Million Dollars???

Listen to our new radio ad HERE and find out what Steve LaTourette was willing to do...then feel free to let us know what you would do!

Justin B
Press Secretary

Watch Bill on Channel 5!

Bill was featured on ABC 5 this week to talk about the campaign. To watch, click HERE.

Justin B
Press Secretary

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Plain Dealer Editorial Rips LaTourette

From today's PD:

"LaTourette absurdly claimed "the people who made the mess should clean up the mess." Well, if they were capable of cleaning it up, they would have done so without some of the richest investment banks in the world going under."

To view the full article click HERE.

Friday, September 26, 2008

You're Invited!

Click on the image for a larger view or click HERE to see the invite online.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Radio, Radio

Listen to our radio ad, click HERE.

Getting the Facts Straight

If you didn’t listen to WCPN last week, then you missed Steve LaTourette accusing Bill of having been tainted by rulings in favor of those who had contributed to his judicial campaigns. Allow us to set the record straight.

The Facts About Bill O'Neill's Record

As a judge and a judicial candidate, O'Neill was hailed for his courageous stances self-limiting campaign contributions. In his campaigns for Ohio Court of Appeals and the Ohio Supreme Court, O'Neill limited his campaign contributions to $10 from individuals and $1,000 from organizations, figures drastically under the maximum allowed under state law.

In his 10-year judicial career, O'Neill ruled on more than 3,000 cases. Only nine (9!) of those cases involved a contributor (0.003 percent). In those nine cases, he ruled nearly as often against his contributor (3 times) as in favor of (5 times), with one split decision. (Ohio Secretary of State's Office)

The Facts About Steve LaTourette's Record

In 14 years in Congress, LaTourette has taken nearly four million dollars ($3,994,807 as of June 30, 2008) from special interest PACs; he has taken nearly $300,000 ($287,970) from individuals and PACs in the oil and energy industries, and over one million dollars ($1,196,373) from individuals and PACs in the financial services industry. (Center for Responsive Politics)

In LaTourette's first campaign for Congress, LaTourette criticized his opponent for taking money from PACs, calling him the "prince of PACs" (Plain Dealer, May 5, 1994). Now PACs make up 46% of his lifetime contributions and 59% of his contributions this cycle. (Center for Responsive Politics)

According to Oil Change International's Follow the Oil Money site, which LaTourette's staff has cited, LaTourette votes with Big Oil 82% of the time. Last night, he cast another vote against a bill that would have ended tax subsidies for Big Oil companies.

A comparison of records shows that the record is clear. Steve LaTourette is in the pocket of special interest PAC’s.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bill Calls out Steve LaTourette for Once Again Siding with Big Oil

Wednesday night, Steve LaTourette once again stood firmly on the side of Big Oil, as he voted against a comprehensive energy bill that ended tax breaks for oil companies, invested that money in alternative energy, lowered gas prices and opened up more drilling opportunities.

Bill was disappointed, but not surprised, and said-

“He’s been saying he’s for ‘all of the above.’ And now that he’s voted against this comprehensive energy plan, I guess he meant ‘none of the above.’ When I’m a congressman, I will do everything in my power to fight for lower gas prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil,”

Bill also went after Steve LaTourette for taking nearly $287, 970 from the oil and energy industries since he went to Washington (Center for Responsive Politics).

It’s clear where Representative LaTourette’s loyalties lie, and it’s not with the people of Northeast Ohio. It’s time for a Congressman who will fight for us, and not for big oil. It’s time for a change, and it’s time for Bill O’Neill to be our next Congressman.

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Listen to Bill on WCPN's "Sound of Ideas"

Click HERE to listen.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

LaTourette Criticized for Involvement in Financial Crisis

Yesterday, we issued a press release asking Steve LaTourette to stand up and take responsibility for his role in the economic crisis facing Northeast Ohio and the nation.

"The people of Northeast Ohio deserve an explanation and, quite frankly, an apology," O’Neill said.

Bill’s statement has been receiving some nice reviews in the blogosphere. Ohio Daily Blog said “we came out swinging” while Buckeye State Blog notes that Bill O’Neill has “a track record of “standing up for working families.” Open Left, a national blog noted our press release here, and PolitickerOH wrote a great story highlighting Steve LaTourette’s connections to Phil Gramm, who infamously called America “a nation of whiners” recently.

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Had Enough?

"I'd like to know why Steve LaTourette is on the side of Phil Gramm and the banking lobbyists who are to blame for this crisis instead of the working families of Northeast Ohio. He's taken their money his entire career, and he's done their bidding in Congress, and last year Ohio had the sixth highest foreclosure rate in the nation to show for it. Steve LaTourette is out of touch, out of excuses and out of time, and working families have had enough of this lack of leadership in Congress. It's time for a change."

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fixing Healthcare in America

Last week Bill did a radio interview about Universal Health Care. To listen or download in a variety of formats, click HERE.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Friday, September 12, 2008

Asleep on the Job

Why I Support Bill

The campaign is heating up, and sadly I won’t be in town to see it unfold because I have overpriced textbooks to read and classes to attend. Before that starts, I thought I’d fill everyone in on my experience this summer as an intern on the Bill O’Neill for Congress campaign.

I was exposed to the many different facets of a congressional campaign, from fundraising to field, from press events to parades. And I got to see a side of the candidate that most people never get to see. I see him working hard raising money during the day and then staying until he’s met every last person and shook every last hand at an event at night.

There’s any number of good reasons to support Bill in his bid for Congress. but the reason I found myself supporting him. Bill’s most unique quality, and one that should be the biggest reason we elect him to Congress, is his genuine desire to help anyone he meets. Bill left a safe seat as a Court of Appeals judge because he wanted to do more, and he became a pediatric emergency room nurse. And when Bill saw his country on the wrong track, he asked what else can I do? That’s why Bill wants to go to Washington – to serve.

Bill O’Neill often says that when life has been good to you, as it has to him, then you have a responsibility to try and make life good for others. And that’s what I want in my congressman. I want my representative in Congress to look out for what is best for me, not what is best for himself, or for the oil companies, or for the billionaires of the world. I want my congressman to care. That’s why I support Bill O’Neill for Congress in OH-14. And I hope that’s why you’ll support him, too.


Finance Assistant

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bill O'Neill Remembers, Honors Victims of September 11th

"On the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it is with deep sadness for lives lost, and an enduring pride in our country that we remember the thousands of innocent men, women and children who lost their lives on that day.

"We also continue to honor the heroic service, actions, and sacrifices of those first responders, law enforcement, volunteers, and others who bravely put others' lives ahead of their own.

"I know that Congressman LaTourette stands with me as we promise to never forget the memories of the thousands of individuals who were killed on that day and resolve once again to take all necessary steps to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again."

Friday, September 5, 2008

Viagra, Caribou, and Steve LaTourette

You've got to see this. Recently, while addressing the Twinsburg and Hudson Chambers of Commerce, Big Oil’s Best Friend Steve LaTourette was asked a question about drilling in Alaska. His answer drifted to the Caribou population, and somehow ended with the following quote:

“The warmth of the pipeline makes them (caribou) frisky, and the pipeline is actually like Viagra for caribou.” (Video available here:


Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Governor Strickland and Bill O'Neill, Fighting for Change

Photo from the Astabula Star Beacon

Bill was in Ashtabula the other night attending an Economic Town Hall Meeting where Ted Strickland was talking about "Obama’s vision for helping working families, rebuilding the country’s faltering economy, adding more jobs both in Ohio and elsewhere across the country, and putting America back on track."

Click the link below the picture to read the full story in the Ashtabula Star Beacon!

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Thursday, August 28, 2008

SEIU Endorses Bill!

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has officially endorsed Bill O'Neill for Congress.

"SEIU's members are concerned about the future of Ohio for working families. We care about workers' right to organize in a union, ability to earn a living wage, and have access to affordable health care. We believe your candidacy represents the best opportunity to move Ohio toward those goals and look forward to working with you as a member of Congress."

As a former union organizer, Bill is proud to stand with SEIU!

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Newest Member of the O'Neill Campaign

You have to read about our newest staffer! Here's the release we sent out

O'Neill Campaign Hires Cocker Spaniel Named "Lucky"

Dog Enrolled in Same Obedience School Oil Companies Sent Steve LaTourette to

Wickliffe, Ohio – Democratic congressional candidate Bill O'Neill brought on its newest paid staffer as of this past Saturday. "Lucky" the dog will now be in charge of volunteer amusement and assist on debate prep. Lucky, who hails from the world famous Logan Farm in Trumbell County, is two years old, which in dog years is 14, the same number of years Steve LaTourette's been in Congress. Unlike the congressman, she hasn't yet worn out her welcome.

"Lucky follows Bill around wherever he goes, she's very loyal," said O'Neill press secretary Justin Barasky. "She's as good a friend to Bill as Steve LaTourette is to Big Oil and Big Energy.

"Yesterday Bill taught Lucky how to roll over", said Justin. "We all know Steve LaTourette learned long ago how to roll over for Big Oil and Big Energy. Just look at this year's vote to keep the tax breaks for Big Oil instead of investing that money into alternative energy sources. Unfortunately for us, you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

"And that's why Bill O'Neill is running to bring change to Washington."

The Numbers

-According to Oil Change International's "Follow the Oil Money" site, which the LaTourette campaign cites, LaTourette has voted in the oil industry's favor 82% of the time.

-Lucky has received 2 meals a day from Bill O'Neill, along with love, attention, and a warm place to sleep. reports LaTourette's career receipts from the oil and energy industries at more than $283,000.

-Bill O'Neill reports Lucky's career receipts at about 100 dollars so far.

Justin Barasky, Press Secretary

OEA Endorses Bill!

As a single parent who raised four kids, Bill knows first-hand the importance of public education. Bill likes to say that, when he was a kid, to call the O'Neill family "poor" would have been generous. They didn't have a lot of money, but they did have world-class public schools that gave him the foundation on which he built his career.

That's why Bill is so honored to have garnered the endorsement of the Ohio Education Association.

The purpose of the Ohio Education Association is to “promote the cause of public education and improve the quality of teaching and learning.”

Bill is proud to stand with the OEA in his campaign to bring change to Washington.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Monday, August 25, 2008

Down on the Farm

Above: Bill w/ Bob Boggs and State Rep. Deborah Newcomb

Saturday afternoon, our gracious hosts, Andy and Gwen Logan held a reception to benefit Bill’s campaign at their farm in Trumbull County. Our special guest, Secretary of Agriculture Bob Boggs, further honored us. Secretary Boggs voiced his support for Bill’s candidacy, touting him as the voice for change that Northeast Ohio needs.

Click HERE to view pictures from the event.

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary
O’Neill for Congress

Proud to be Part of the Team!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Reception to Feature Sec. of Agriculture Bob Boggs

We are always so thankful for the help and support we receive from Ohio’s dedicated public officials. Here at O’Neill for Congress, we’re honored to have the Ohio Secretary of Agriculture, Bob Boggs, in town tomorrow as our special guest at a fundraiser to benefit the campaign.

Over the last 34 years, Bob Boggs has served the people of Ohio as a representative, senator and a county commissioner. During his career in public service, he used his agricultural background to make decisions on dozens of rural issues including linked deposits, ethanol tax credits, soil and water conservation funding, OSU cooperative extension, and rural development.

The reception will be held Saturday, August 23rd, from 4-6pm at the home of our gracious hosts Gwen and Andy Logan.

To RSVP, call Ben at (440) 554-4844. With a large host committee and many RSVP’s already, this is shaping up to be our best and biggest event so far.

Click HERE to see our event mentioned on Buckeye State Blog.

Hope to see you there!

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Thursday, August 21, 2008

O’Neill Campaign Magic Number: 65,000

We haven’t met-my name’s Mike Gwin and I’m the Volunteer Coordinator for the O’Neill campaign. I’ve got a challenge for everyone today who wants to see change come to Northeast Ohio. If between now and Election Day we can reach 65,000 voters, through knocking on doors and making phone calls, we’re going to beat Steve LaTourette. Reaching 65,000 is a daunting task and it’s going to take some dedicated work from our volunteers, but I know that together we can make it happen.

So today I’m asking you to sign this pledge that says you will help out the campaign at least once a week. Whether it’s going door to door with the O’Neill staff, making phone calls from our office in Wickliffe, or even making calls from the comfort of your own home, we hope that everyone will be able to fit one day into their already busy schedules. So please, sign this pledge and help us elect Bill O’Neill to Congress, so he can start fighting for the change that we deserve.

Mike Gwin
Volunteer Coordinator

We'll Miss You Congresswoman

Wickliffe, Ohio – Democratic congressional candidate Bill O'Neill released the following statement on the death of Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones.

"I am deeply saddened by the passing of my friend and colleague Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. This is a tragic loss for the people of Northeast Ohio. I will forever remember her smile, her laugh, and the passion she brought to the halls of Congress. She will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers are with her family this evening."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones

Wickliffe, Ohio – Democratic congressional candidate Bill O'Neill released the following statement today on the hospitalization of Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones.

"My heart and prayers go out today to the family, friends, and colleagues of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. Stephanie is a legend and a hero not just to the people of the 11th district of Ohio, but across the nation. She has been a dear friend and inspiration to me, and is the gold standard for all those who aspire to public service. Godspeed, Congresswoman Tubbs Jones."

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Help Support a Great Cause

Bill wanted us to give a shout-out to his lovely cousin Carole Young.

Carole’s participating in a program sponsored by the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer research, where she will be walking 20 miles for three days (60 miles total) in hopes of raising more than $2,000 to fight to end breast cancer forever.

On Carole’s 49th birthday, she was diagnosed with breast cancer by the same doctor who had found her mother’s cancer the same month. After an eleven and a half hour surgery, treatment could begin. Carole and her Mom would go hand and hand to each of their chemotherapy treatments and doctor’s appointments. They had the same doctors, surgeons, oncologists and supported each other every step of the way.

Not only is Carole a survivor with a truly inspiring story, but she lost her mother to breast cancer in 2002, and she has a sister-in-law who is also a survivor. No doubt you know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Please click here to learn more about the Breast Cancer 3-Day, and consider making a donation to help Carole, and promote breast cancer research and awareness.


Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Debate Season

Hosted by the News Herald, Bill O’Neill and Steve LaTourette met yesterday for the first debate of the election season. (Bill, of course has challenged Steve LaTourette to an energy debate, but so far Steve LaTourette appears to be dodging it.)

In the debate, Bill talked about how we need to stop sending tax breaks to Big Oil and instead start providing tax incentives for alternative energy to help lower gas prices. Bill also addressed the health care crisis, and the war in Iraq, highlighting Congress’s failure to lead and Steve LaTourette’s inability to bring about change after 14 long years in Washington. Instead of a vision for the future, Steve LaTourette merely blamed his ineffectiveness on being in the minority – which only accounts for the past two years of his career. And he proudly championed his record of bringing money back to the district, even though Taxpayers for Common Sense ranked him in the bottom 1/3 of Congress.

The forum was yet another glaring reminder of why we need change in Washington. And it was clear that Bill O’Neill is ready to bring that change.

The debate should be on local television in the near future. To read the News Herald story on the debate, click HERE.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary
O’Neill for Congress

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Few Good Men

Friday night, Subodh Chandra graciously held a reception to benefit Bill’s campaign at his home in Cleveland. We were further honored by our special guest, Lt. Governor Lee Fisher. Both men voiced their support for Bill’s candidacy, touting his service to our country in Vietnam, his service to Ohio as a Judge, and his service to the community as an emergency room nurse.

Click HERE to view pictures from the event.

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary
O’Neill for Congress

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Social Security!

"Steve LaTourette is willing to let our seniors’ well-being be tied to the ups and downs of Wall Street. I’m not."

Today, on Social Security's 73rd birthday, Bill pledged to always fight against any efforts to privatize what so many of our nation's seniors rely on. Click on this link to see Bill's statement.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

It’s my (House) Party and I’ll contribute if I want to! (Please Do)

Last night Bill and I attended a House Party in support of the campaign in Moreland Hills. As you can see , our hosts even made special invitations. The event was a big success with 20 people getting to learn more about Bill, why he’s running for Congress, and why he so strongly believes that Northeast Ohio deserves change. The best part of the evening was the hour-long question-and-answer session between Bill and the attendees. The topics ranged from energy and gas prices, to the war in Iraq, to taxes, and I think there was a question or two about the Cleveland Indians pitching staff.

These house parties are a great opportunity to meet and get to know Bill, learn more about what he believes, and talk to Bill on a personal level about the issues that most affect your daily lives. Contributions to the campaign are welcomed at house parties, but aren’t required.

If you would like to host a house party with Bill O’Neill, give us a call at 440-943-2897.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Painesville Parade!

Last night we were in Painesville for the Lake County Fair Parade. While the staff and our great volunteers passed out candy and O’Neill 08 stickers, Bill walked the parade from Harvey High School to the Fairgrounds, shaking as many hands and meeting as many people as possible.

I’ve noticed that on other campaigns, some candidates ride in cars, or walk in line with their supporters, but Bill goes up and down the street talking and meeting people, often engaging them to the point where the campaign car starts to leave him behind.  You wouldn’t think it, but these parades have become a great way for Bill to hear real stories from real people about gas prices, their jobs, and other issues affecting their daily lives. 

Bill really enjoys meetings the voters in the 14th Congressional district and hearing what’s on their mind. I can honestly tell you that it wasn’t easy getting Bill to leave the event last night.

We’ve added some more pictures from parades to our Flickr, you can take a look by clicking here.

See you at the next parade,

Ben Barasky

Deputy Press Secretary

Friday, August 8, 2008

Come Meet Lt. Governor Lee Fisher

I’m always impressed by the support this campaign receives from elected officials all over the state of Ohio. Here at O'Neill for Congress, we’re honored to have Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher in town this coming Friday, as our special guest at a fundraiser to benefit the campaign.

Lee Fisher has a long history of loyal public service to the state of Ohio, serving as Attorney General, State Senator and State Representative before becoming Lieutenant Governor. Lt. Governor Fisher has also worked as a private attorney, public company board director, and as a federal appellate law clerk.

The reception will be on Friday, August 15th from 7-9pm, at the home of Subodh Chandra, our gracious host.

Click here to see the full invitation.

To RSVP, please give me a call at (440) 476-4419, or email me:

Hope to see you there!

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary
O’Neill for Congress

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let's Send Them Packing


You’re not going to believe this, but President Bush was in the district yesterday under the guise of doing something to fix our economy.  What he actually did was headline a fundraiser thrown by Steve LaTourette and his biggest donor. I think we all know that he didn’t  ask anyone at the fundraiser about energy alternatives, or how the price of gas has affected them.

With three out of four people thinking the president is doing a bad job, who are these people going to these fundraisers?

The truth is these people are Steve LaTourette’s best friends and they are helping Congressman LaTourette by being loyal to President Bush, just like Steve LaTourette always has been. Loyal to the tune of $570,000 from 110 people, or over $5,182 a head.

Even though our economy is in disarray because of the Bush administration’s policies, there will always be hordes of special interests ready to pad the Republicans’ pockets.

This is the fight we are up against. And I have no intention of losing.

Let’s send a message George Bush and his good friend Steve LaTourette that Northeast Ohio wants change. Please help us raise 5,182 online in the next 48 hours, the price of one admission to the George Bush/Steve LaTourette party.

Click here to donate today, or click the big donate arrow on the side of your screen.

Thank you for all that you do,


Friday, July 25, 2008

Coming to a Town Near You

by Bill O'Neill

Just thought I would update you on the events the campaign has planned for this weekend.

On Saturday, July 26th, we will be canvassing two neighborhoods, one in Ashtabula and one in Stow. Canvasses are great opportunities to get our name and message out to the general public, while building support in the district. For both canvasses, we’ll meet at 10:30 a.m. See the links for Ashtabula and Stow for details.

Not in your area? Don’t worry; we have an action packed Sunday as well.

On Sunday July 27th, we’ll be starting off the day with the Solon Home Days Parade. The parade steps off at 11:30 am from Orchard Middle School. Look for the big hybrid O’Neill mobile and our group of volunteers. Later in the day, I’ll be the guest speaker at the Geauga County Democratic Party’s Annual Picnic. The picnic runs from 1-5pm. Go to the Picnic link for details.

If you would like to help out at one of the events this weekend, or can’t make it but would like to help in the future, click here to become an O’Neill for Congress volunteer. You can also call our office at (440) 943-2897 to sign up or get the answers to any questions that you may have.

Have a great weekend.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thank You!

by Bill O'Neill

Good News! Thanks to your generosity we just had our best fundraising quarter of the campaign. I owe that to each and every one of you who has helped me over the last three months – and since the beginning of this campaign a year ago.

Since then, we’ve set a record – we have now raised the most money of any candidate my opponent has ever faced. We have more than 1,000 contributors – another record for this district.

And I have you to thank. My supporters and friends like you make this campaign go. You believe as I do that change is needed in Washington. I’m proud to say that together we’ve built a grassroots campaign of hard working families from Northeast Ohio, not one bought and sold by corporate lobbyists and Washington insiders.

For all you have done already, and for all you will continue to do, you will always have my utmost thanks and appreciation. But you may not know that there are many ways to help other than writing a check. I’d like to tell you about a few of them:

Host a House Party: Gather some of your friends and neighbors for an informal meet and greet, where everyone can get to know me and ask questions about our campaign and our country. While donations at these house parties are certainly accepted, I like to think of these more as “friend-raisers.”

Volunteer: There are any number of ways you can volunteer for the campaign. You can participate in one of our many door-to-door canvasses, help out at a phone bank, put up yard signs or bumper stickers, or just come on in to the office, where there’s always plenty to do.

This race is just getting started. In the coming months, it will only get closer and more exciting. Stay tuned, and thanks again!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Let's Get to Work on Commuter Rail

by Bill O'Neill

As of this week, we are officially up and running in the new Wickliffe office, and I encourage all of you to stop by and take a look around. With our new office comes new ideas, and I’d like to take this opportunity to share one of them with you.

This morning I held a press conference in Willoughby where I proposed an investment to bring back commuter rail to Northeast Ohio. I was honored to have State Representative Kenny Yuko, Mentor City Councilman Ed Walsh and other friends at my side as we stood in front of an abandoned rail station and made the case for the rail lines that we both want and need.

This is about getting to work. It’s about creating new jobs, and it’s about finding a cheaper, easier way to get to the ones we have.

In a world where gas is $4 a gallon, our highways are congested and there is no relief in sight, we need forward-thinking solutions from our leadership in Congress. Regional commuter rail for Northeast Ohio needs a champion in Washington, and when I’m elected, I will be that champion.

What most people don’t know is that we already have the blueprint for this proposal. In 2001, the Northeast Ohio Area-wide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) commissioned a feasibility study that proposed two lines, one from Tower City to the east, through Mentor, Painesville, Ashtabula and Conneaut; and one to the southeast through Solon, Aurora and Hudson. NOACA estimates that, on the first day, these lines would each take about 7,000 cars off the road per day.

Commuter rail just makes sense. Send me to Congress, and I’ll get to work!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Listening Tour Rolls On

By Bill O'Neill

Just thought I’d give you an update on the latest from the campaign trail.

Every Saturday, I travel to one or two cities in the district for my old fashioned listening tour, or as we’ve nicknamed it, the “Meet Bill” tour. I buy you a cup of coffee and we sit down in a small group to discuss the issues that are most important to you.

It’s been a big hit and a lot of fun for me personally. It’s not often I get to sit down in a one on one setting with so many of the great people of Northeast Ohio. This Saturday, I’m making stops in Ashtabula and Geneva. Make sure to check the calendar for all the details, and to find out when I’m coming to a town near you.


P.S. I want to offer my most heartfelt congratulations to Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President. This is both an exciting moment in our nation’s history, and an exciting time for our party. Both his and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns have made me more proud than ever to call myself a Democrat, and I look forward to being his running mate in Ohio come November.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Something Has Got to Give

by Bill O'Neill

I couldn’t be more pleased with how our event at the pumps went yesterday. It was extremely well received by everyone I talked to: from teenagers to seniors, from hardworking moms and dads to retired veterans. I was moved by the sense of resolve I saw in the eyes of the people I talked to as they put their hard earned dollars into another $75 tank of gas. Something has got to give.

People are smart. They know that giving them back $1.13, while a welcome discount off a tank of gas, was not the whole message we were sending yesterday. What voters saw was a candidate for Congress who will stand up for their interests, not the special interests in Washington. Unlike my opponent who has funded his campaigns with their help for a decade, I have never taken a dime from Big Oil and Big Energy.

Now my opponent has already shot back, disputing the amount of money reports that he has taken from Big Oil and Big Energy,while admitting he actually gets a whole lot more from other special interests.

I guess it’s this simple: There is one person in this race who takes thousands upon thousands of campaign contributions from Big Oil, and one who will never take a dime.

It comes down to whose side you’re on.

And my opponent has been very clear about whose side he’s on. He wants to use the same-old playbook and look for new places the oil companies can drill. I think it’s time we invested in new ideas. In Northeast Ohio we have enormous potential to make these critical investments – from wind, solar and geothermal energy to non-food-based ethanol to light rail.

My opponent had the opportunity to take back the tax breaks for Big Oil and invest them in alternative energy right here in Northeast Ohio. He said no.

I say that these are not just energy solutions; these are job solutions. Yesterday, we sent a message loud and clear: Send me to Congress, and there will never be any question about whose side Bill O’Neill is on.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm Pumping Gas!

by Bill O'Neill

I thought that there would be no better way to kick off "Bill on the Trail" than to share with you the inside scoop on what the campaign is doing this week. Tomorrow at 1 p.m. at a local gas station [map], we're standing up against Big Oil and Big Energy.

The price of gas when Steve LaTourette was elected to Congress was $1.13. And when he was last re-elected in 2006, it was $2.24.

As we now know all too well, gas prices have risen to over $4 a gallon. But while our wallets have taken a hit, my opponent's wallet has continued to get fatter. In the time he has been in Washington, Steve LaTourette has taken $275,720 from Big Oil and Big Energy, and in turn, he has been a vote they can count on to ensure that gas companies earn record profits – even when we’re paying record prices.

The people of Northeast Ohio deserve a congressman who stands up to these special interests – and stands up for you.

Tomorrow, the first 113 people will get the first $1.13 of their fill-up on me. And they’ll also get this souvenir check, from Big Oil to my opponent:

It’s hard to stand up to Big Oil and Big Energy when they’re helping fund your campaign. So let me be very clear: I have never taken a penny from Big Oil, and I never will.

And when you send me to Congress, I will never forget who I’m representing.