Thursday, August 21, 2008

O’Neill Campaign Magic Number: 65,000

We haven’t met-my name’s Mike Gwin and I’m the Volunteer Coordinator for the O’Neill campaign. I’ve got a challenge for everyone today who wants to see change come to Northeast Ohio. If between now and Election Day we can reach 65,000 voters, through knocking on doors and making phone calls, we’re going to beat Steve LaTourette. Reaching 65,000 is a daunting task and it’s going to take some dedicated work from our volunteers, but I know that together we can make it happen.

So today I’m asking you to sign this pledge that says you will help out the campaign at least once a week. Whether it’s going door to door with the O’Neill staff, making phone calls from our office in Wickliffe, or even making calls from the comfort of your own home, we hope that everyone will be able to fit one day into their already busy schedules. So please, sign this pledge and help us elect Bill O’Neill to Congress, so he can start fighting for the change that we deserve.

Mike Gwin
Volunteer Coordinator

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