Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let's Send Them Packing


You’re not going to believe this, but President Bush was in the district yesterday under the guise of doing something to fix our economy.  What he actually did was headline a fundraiser thrown by Steve LaTourette and his biggest donor. I think we all know that he didn’t  ask anyone at the fundraiser about energy alternatives, or how the price of gas has affected them.

With three out of four people thinking the president is doing a bad job, who are these people going to these fundraisers?

The truth is these people are Steve LaTourette’s best friends and they are helping Congressman LaTourette by being loyal to President Bush, just like Steve LaTourette always has been. Loyal to the tune of $570,000 from 110 people, or over $5,182 a head.

Even though our economy is in disarray because of the Bush administration’s policies, there will always be hordes of special interests ready to pad the Republicans’ pockets.

This is the fight we are up against. And I have no intention of losing.

Let’s send a message George Bush and his good friend Steve LaTourette that Northeast Ohio wants change. Please help us raise 5,182 online in the next 48 hours, the price of one admission to the George Bush/Steve LaTourette party.

Click here to donate today, or click the big donate arrow on the side of your screen.

Thank you for all that you do,
