Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thank You!

by Bill O'Neill

Good News! Thanks to your generosity we just had our best fundraising quarter of the campaign. I owe that to each and every one of you who has helped me over the last three months – and since the beginning of this campaign a year ago.

Since then, we’ve set a record – we have now raised the most money of any candidate my opponent has ever faced. We have more than 1,000 contributors – another record for this district.

And I have you to thank. My supporters and friends like you make this campaign go. You believe as I do that change is needed in Washington. I’m proud to say that together we’ve built a grassroots campaign of hard working families from Northeast Ohio, not one bought and sold by corporate lobbyists and Washington insiders.

For all you have done already, and for all you will continue to do, you will always have my utmost thanks and appreciation. But you may not know that there are many ways to help other than writing a check. I’d like to tell you about a few of them:

Host a House Party: Gather some of your friends and neighbors for an informal meet and greet, where everyone can get to know me and ask questions about our campaign and our country. While donations at these house parties are certainly accepted, I like to think of these more as “friend-raisers.”

Volunteer: There are any number of ways you can volunteer for the campaign. You can participate in one of our many door-to-door canvasses, help out at a phone bank, put up yard signs or bumper stickers, or just come on in to the office, where there’s always plenty to do.

This race is just getting started. In the coming months, it will only get closer and more exciting. Stay tuned, and thanks again!