Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bill Calls out Steve LaTourette for Once Again Siding with Big Oil

Wednesday night, Steve LaTourette once again stood firmly on the side of Big Oil, as he voted against a comprehensive energy bill that ended tax breaks for oil companies, invested that money in alternative energy, lowered gas prices and opened up more drilling opportunities.

Bill was disappointed, but not surprised, and said-

“He’s been saying he’s for ‘all of the above.’ And now that he’s voted against this comprehensive energy plan, I guess he meant ‘none of the above.’ When I’m a congressman, I will do everything in my power to fight for lower gas prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil,”

Bill also went after Steve LaTourette for taking nearly $287, 970 from the oil and energy industries since he went to Washington (Center for Responsive Politics).

It’s clear where Representative LaTourette’s loyalties lie, and it’s not with the people of Northeast Ohio. It’s time for a Congressman who will fight for us, and not for big oil. It’s time for a change, and it’s time for Bill O’Neill to be our next Congressman.

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Listen to Bill on WCPN's "Sound of Ideas"

Click HERE to listen.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

LaTourette Criticized for Involvement in Financial Crisis

Yesterday, we issued a press release asking Steve LaTourette to stand up and take responsibility for his role in the economic crisis facing Northeast Ohio and the nation.

"The people of Northeast Ohio deserve an explanation and, quite frankly, an apology," O’Neill said.

Bill’s statement has been receiving some nice reviews in the blogosphere. Ohio Daily Blog said “we came out swinging” while Buckeye State Blog notes that Bill O’Neill has “a track record of “standing up for working families.” Open Left, a national blog noted our press release here, and PolitickerOH wrote a great story highlighting Steve LaTourette’s connections to Phil Gramm, who infamously called America “a nation of whiners” recently.

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Had Enough?

"I'd like to know why Steve LaTourette is on the side of Phil Gramm and the banking lobbyists who are to blame for this crisis instead of the working families of Northeast Ohio. He's taken their money his entire career, and he's done their bidding in Congress, and last year Ohio had the sixth highest foreclosure rate in the nation to show for it. Steve LaTourette is out of touch, out of excuses and out of time, and working families have had enough of this lack of leadership in Congress. It's time for a change."

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fixing Healthcare in America

Last week Bill did a radio interview about Universal Health Care. To listen or download in a variety of formats, click HERE.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary