Friday, August 22, 2008

Reception to Feature Sec. of Agriculture Bob Boggs

We are always so thankful for the help and support we receive from Ohio’s dedicated public officials. Here at O’Neill for Congress, we’re honored to have the Ohio Secretary of Agriculture, Bob Boggs, in town tomorrow as our special guest at a fundraiser to benefit the campaign.

Over the last 34 years, Bob Boggs has served the people of Ohio as a representative, senator and a county commissioner. During his career in public service, he used his agricultural background to make decisions on dozens of rural issues including linked deposits, ethanol tax credits, soil and water conservation funding, OSU cooperative extension, and rural development.

The reception will be held Saturday, August 23rd, from 4-6pm at the home of our gracious hosts Gwen and Andy Logan.

To RSVP, call Ben at (440) 554-4844. With a large host committee and many RSVP’s already, this is shaping up to be our best and biggest event so far.

Click HERE to see our event mentioned on Buckeye State Blog.

Hope to see you there!

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Thursday, August 21, 2008

O’Neill Campaign Magic Number: 65,000

We haven’t met-my name’s Mike Gwin and I’m the Volunteer Coordinator for the O’Neill campaign. I’ve got a challenge for everyone today who wants to see change come to Northeast Ohio. If between now and Election Day we can reach 65,000 voters, through knocking on doors and making phone calls, we’re going to beat Steve LaTourette. Reaching 65,000 is a daunting task and it’s going to take some dedicated work from our volunteers, but I know that together we can make it happen.

So today I’m asking you to sign this pledge that says you will help out the campaign at least once a week. Whether it’s going door to door with the O’Neill staff, making phone calls from our office in Wickliffe, or even making calls from the comfort of your own home, we hope that everyone will be able to fit one day into their already busy schedules. So please, sign this pledge and help us elect Bill O’Neill to Congress, so he can start fighting for the change that we deserve.

Mike Gwin
Volunteer Coordinator

We'll Miss You Congresswoman

Wickliffe, Ohio – Democratic congressional candidate Bill O'Neill released the following statement on the death of Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones.

"I am deeply saddened by the passing of my friend and colleague Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. This is a tragic loss for the people of Northeast Ohio. I will forever remember her smile, her laugh, and the passion she brought to the halls of Congress. She will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers are with her family this evening."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones

Wickliffe, Ohio – Democratic congressional candidate Bill O'Neill released the following statement today on the hospitalization of Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones.

"My heart and prayers go out today to the family, friends, and colleagues of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. Stephanie is a legend and a hero not just to the people of the 11th district of Ohio, but across the nation. She has been a dear friend and inspiration to me, and is the gold standard for all those who aspire to public service. Godspeed, Congresswoman Tubbs Jones."

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

Help Support a Great Cause

Bill wanted us to give a shout-out to his lovely cousin Carole Young.

Carole’s participating in a program sponsored by the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer research, where she will be walking 20 miles for three days (60 miles total) in hopes of raising more than $2,000 to fight to end breast cancer forever.

On Carole’s 49th birthday, she was diagnosed with breast cancer by the same doctor who had found her mother’s cancer the same month. After an eleven and a half hour surgery, treatment could begin. Carole and her Mom would go hand and hand to each of their chemotherapy treatments and doctor’s appointments. They had the same doctors, surgeons, oncologists and supported each other every step of the way.

Not only is Carole a survivor with a truly inspiring story, but she lost her mother to breast cancer in 2002, and she has a sister-in-law who is also a survivor. No doubt you know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Please click here to learn more about the Breast Cancer 3-Day, and consider making a donation to help Carole, and promote breast cancer research and awareness.


Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Debate Season

Hosted by the News Herald, Bill O’Neill and Steve LaTourette met yesterday for the first debate of the election season. (Bill, of course has challenged Steve LaTourette to an energy debate, but so far Steve LaTourette appears to be dodging it.)

In the debate, Bill talked about how we need to stop sending tax breaks to Big Oil and instead start providing tax incentives for alternative energy to help lower gas prices. Bill also addressed the health care crisis, and the war in Iraq, highlighting Congress’s failure to lead and Steve LaTourette’s inability to bring about change after 14 long years in Washington. Instead of a vision for the future, Steve LaTourette merely blamed his ineffectiveness on being in the minority – which only accounts for the past two years of his career. And he proudly championed his record of bringing money back to the district, even though Taxpayers for Common Sense ranked him in the bottom 1/3 of Congress.

The forum was yet another glaring reminder of why we need change in Washington. And it was clear that Bill O’Neill is ready to bring that change.

The debate should be on local television in the near future. To read the News Herald story on the debate, click HERE.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary
O’Neill for Congress

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Few Good Men

Friday night, Subodh Chandra graciously held a reception to benefit Bill’s campaign at his home in Cleveland. We were further honored by our special guest, Lt. Governor Lee Fisher. Both men voiced their support for Bill’s candidacy, touting his service to our country in Vietnam, his service to Ohio as a Judge, and his service to the community as an emergency room nurse.

Click HERE to view pictures from the event.

Ben Barasky
Deputy Press Secretary
O’Neill for Congress