Friday, September 12, 2008

Asleep on the Job

Why I Support Bill

The campaign is heating up, and sadly I won’t be in town to see it unfold because I have overpriced textbooks to read and classes to attend. Before that starts, I thought I’d fill everyone in on my experience this summer as an intern on the Bill O’Neill for Congress campaign.

I was exposed to the many different facets of a congressional campaign, from fundraising to field, from press events to parades. And I got to see a side of the candidate that most people never get to see. I see him working hard raising money during the day and then staying until he’s met every last person and shook every last hand at an event at night.

There’s any number of good reasons to support Bill in his bid for Congress. but the reason I found myself supporting him. Bill’s most unique quality, and one that should be the biggest reason we elect him to Congress, is his genuine desire to help anyone he meets. Bill left a safe seat as a Court of Appeals judge because he wanted to do more, and he became a pediatric emergency room nurse. And when Bill saw his country on the wrong track, he asked what else can I do? That’s why Bill wants to go to Washington – to serve.

Bill O’Neill often says that when life has been good to you, as it has to him, then you have a responsibility to try and make life good for others. And that’s what I want in my congressman. I want my representative in Congress to look out for what is best for me, not what is best for himself, or for the oil companies, or for the billionaires of the world. I want my congressman to care. That’s why I support Bill O’Neill for Congress in OH-14. And I hope that’s why you’ll support him, too.


Finance Assistant

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bill O'Neill Remembers, Honors Victims of September 11th

"On the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it is with deep sadness for lives lost, and an enduring pride in our country that we remember the thousands of innocent men, women and children who lost their lives on that day.

"We also continue to honor the heroic service, actions, and sacrifices of those first responders, law enforcement, volunteers, and others who bravely put others' lives ahead of their own.

"I know that Congressman LaTourette stands with me as we promise to never forget the memories of the thousands of individuals who were killed on that day and resolve once again to take all necessary steps to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again."