Friday, September 26, 2008

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Monday, September 22, 2008

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Getting the Facts Straight

If you didn’t listen to WCPN last week, then you missed Steve LaTourette accusing Bill of having been tainted by rulings in favor of those who had contributed to his judicial campaigns. Allow us to set the record straight.

The Facts About Bill O'Neill's Record

As a judge and a judicial candidate, O'Neill was hailed for his courageous stances self-limiting campaign contributions. In his campaigns for Ohio Court of Appeals and the Ohio Supreme Court, O'Neill limited his campaign contributions to $10 from individuals and $1,000 from organizations, figures drastically under the maximum allowed under state law.

In his 10-year judicial career, O'Neill ruled on more than 3,000 cases. Only nine (9!) of those cases involved a contributor (0.003 percent). In those nine cases, he ruled nearly as often against his contributor (3 times) as in favor of (5 times), with one split decision. (Ohio Secretary of State's Office)

The Facts About Steve LaTourette's Record

In 14 years in Congress, LaTourette has taken nearly four million dollars ($3,994,807 as of June 30, 2008) from special interest PACs; he has taken nearly $300,000 ($287,970) from individuals and PACs in the oil and energy industries, and over one million dollars ($1,196,373) from individuals and PACs in the financial services industry. (Center for Responsive Politics)

In LaTourette's first campaign for Congress, LaTourette criticized his opponent for taking money from PACs, calling him the "prince of PACs" (Plain Dealer, May 5, 1994). Now PACs make up 46% of his lifetime contributions and 59% of his contributions this cycle. (Center for Responsive Politics)

According to Oil Change International's Follow the Oil Money site, which LaTourette's staff has cited, LaTourette votes with Big Oil 82% of the time. Last night, he cast another vote against a bill that would have ended tax subsidies for Big Oil companies.

A comparison of records shows that the record is clear. Steve LaTourette is in the pocket of special interest PAC’s.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary