Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Debate Season

Hosted by the News Herald, Bill O’Neill and Steve LaTourette met yesterday for the first debate of the election season. (Bill, of course has challenged Steve LaTourette to an energy debate, but so far Steve LaTourette appears to be dodging it.)

In the debate, Bill talked about how we need to stop sending tax breaks to Big Oil and instead start providing tax incentives for alternative energy to help lower gas prices. Bill also addressed the health care crisis, and the war in Iraq, highlighting Congress’s failure to lead and Steve LaTourette’s inability to bring about change after 14 long years in Washington. Instead of a vision for the future, Steve LaTourette merely blamed his ineffectiveness on being in the minority – which only accounts for the past two years of his career. And he proudly championed his record of bringing money back to the district, even though Taxpayers for Common Sense ranked him in the bottom 1/3 of Congress.

The forum was yet another glaring reminder of why we need change in Washington. And it was clear that Bill O’Neill is ready to bring that change.

The debate should be on local television in the near future. To read the News Herald story on the debate, click HERE.

Justin Barasky
Press Secretary
O’Neill for Congress

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