Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Newest Member of the O'Neill Campaign

You have to read about our newest staffer! Here's the release we sent out

O'Neill Campaign Hires Cocker Spaniel Named "Lucky"

Dog Enrolled in Same Obedience School Oil Companies Sent Steve LaTourette to

Wickliffe, Ohio – Democratic congressional candidate Bill O'Neill brought on its newest paid staffer as of this past Saturday. "Lucky" the dog will now be in charge of volunteer amusement and assist on debate prep. Lucky, who hails from the world famous Logan Farm in Trumbell County, is two years old, which in dog years is 14, the same number of years Steve LaTourette's been in Congress. Unlike the congressman, she hasn't yet worn out her welcome.

"Lucky follows Bill around wherever he goes, she's very loyal," said O'Neill press secretary Justin Barasky. "She's as good a friend to Bill as Steve LaTourette is to Big Oil and Big Energy.

"Yesterday Bill taught Lucky how to roll over", said Justin. "We all know Steve LaTourette learned long ago how to roll over for Big Oil and Big Energy. Just look at this year's vote to keep the tax breaks for Big Oil instead of investing that money into alternative energy sources. Unfortunately for us, you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

"And that's why Bill O'Neill is running to bring change to Washington."

The Numbers

-According to Oil Change International's "Follow the Oil Money" site, which the LaTourette campaign cites, LaTourette has voted in the oil industry's favor 82% of the time.

-Lucky has received 2 meals a day from Bill O'Neill, along with love, attention, and a warm place to sleep.

-OpenSecrets.org reports LaTourette's career receipts from the oil and energy industries at more than $283,000.

-Bill O'Neill reports Lucky's career receipts at about 100 dollars so far.

Justin Barasky, Press Secretary

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