Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Closing Argument

Take a listen to our newest radio ad by clicking HERE, and chip in a contribution to help us keep it on the air.


daveydo said...

Mr. O'Neill,

You need to get you facts straight. The economic meltdown was caused by a democrat social experiment gone wrong. Jimmy Carter started it with his Community Reinvestment act. Banks were required to give loans to those with risky credit. Bill Clinton mandated that the banks increase the numbers of these loans. Community organizations like ACORN intimidated banks to make more loans. Freddie and Fannie were buying these loans from the banks. Freddie and Fannie executives received huge bonuses. One of these executives is on Barack Obama's staff. The Bush administration warned about this in 2003 but Democrats like Barney Frank prevented any reform of Freddie and Fannie. Stop Blaming LaTourette and look at your own party.

Unknown said...

And where did the 2,000 lost jobs come from in your radio spot. PNC has not announced any cuts yet that I have found and the only one now known to the public is the CEO.

Anonymous said...

Keep listening to Rush...