Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Painesville Parade!

Last night we were in Painesville for the Lake County Fair Parade. While the staff and our great volunteers passed out candy and O’Neill 08 stickers, Bill walked the parade from Harvey High School to the Fairgrounds, shaking as many hands and meeting as many people as possible.

I’ve noticed that on other campaigns, some candidates ride in cars, or walk in line with their supporters, but Bill goes up and down the street talking and meeting people, often engaging them to the point where the campaign car starts to leave him behind.  You wouldn’t think it, but these parades have become a great way for Bill to hear real stories from real people about gas prices, their jobs, and other issues affecting their daily lives. 

Bill really enjoys meetings the voters in the 14th Congressional district and hearing what’s on their mind. I can honestly tell you that it wasn’t easy getting Bill to leave the event last night.

We’ve added some more pictures from parades to our Flickr, you can take a look by clicking here.

See you at the next parade,

Ben Barasky

Deputy Press Secretary

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