Thursday, October 16, 2008

Katie’s Brigade to Target Stow, Twinsburg

Katie O’Neill (pictured center above), community activist from Portland, Oregon and daughter of Bill O’Neill, will be making the trip across the country for the final stretch of the campaign to join the O’Neill for Congress team.

Katie will be leading “Katie’s Brigade” in Stow and Twinsburg, launching a two-week house-to-house effort to reach 5,000 households in the area. She will join forces with a group of her former classmates from the 1992 campaign, including her twin brother Shawn, a United States Air Force and Iraq veteran, along with Brandon O’Neill of Kent State University, Nick and Matt Brown of Geneva Neighbors and Kent State University, and Kevin Hogan, starting tackle for the Kent State Flashes. Members of the UAW Twinsburg local, IBEW local, SEIU local, AFSCME/OCSEA, Summit County Labor Council, OEA and OFT teachers will also be taking part in the campaigning efforts in Stow and Twinsburg.

Stow, with a population of 32,000, represents 5% of the district. Twinsburg is also an important target, with a population of 18,000.

The goal of Katie’s Brigade is to send 50 volunteers to visit the homes of 5,000 registered Independents and Democrats between October 20 and November 4.
Justin Barasky
Press Secretary

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NWO Observer said...

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